Eco Life Biostimulant

Eco Life Seaweed Biostimulant

Many gardeners have found that adding seaweed as fertilizer helps in crop protection and plant nutrition. 

with SSE                                       without SSE

Studies have shown that seaweeds extracts have been shown to increase the crop yield, improve growth, induce resistance to frost, fungal and insect attacks.

Seaweeds are rich source of growth promoting substances (i.e. IAA, kinetin, zeatin and gibberellins, auxins and cytokinins), metabolic enhancers, macro and micro elements, amino acids and vitamins.

(Divya et al., 2015)

Borne out of an independent experiment, the Seaweed Soil Enhancer is an all-natural seaweed product in granule form and packaged in convenient packets for easy use in home gardens and farms.

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